IELTS Preparation: Get IELTS 8.0 with these suggested materials

  1. Background knowledge:
I think this experience will be suitable for those who are at intermediate level with good grammar and vocabulary. Although it is not a good choice for beginners, I hope you will have an appropriate orientation to prepare for your IELTS examination.
  1. Reading
  2. Some materials for practicing this skill( from low level to high level):
- IELTS Reading Test( by Sam Mccarter & Judith Ash): it consists of 10 reading tests with gradual difficult levels, but it doesn't mean that the first tests are easy. This book emphasizes in 2 types of IELTS exercises( one is easy and the other is difficult): True False Not Given and Matching Headings. The advantage of the book is its having the Answer Part providing detailed and accurate explanation.
This book is extremely important for those who don't have a good reading skill. You can ignore this book if your reading point is estimated to be at 8-8.5.
- IELTS Cambridge(7-9): Now we have IELTS Cambridge 10, but it doesn't have explanation. If you have much time, you should do practice tests in IELTS Cambridge. People having no time can ignore these books because they are not difficult.
–IELTS Practice Tests plus 1,2,3: It's compulsory for you to do them because they not only have accurate answers with explanation but also are similar to the real IELTS Test. Moreover, tests in these books are various and each book has from 5 to 7 tests.
–IELTS Recent Actual Test: In fact, I don't do any exercise in this, but someone mention that there are similar exercises in real IELTS test.
  1. How to practice?
I do not spend much time on this skill, but when practicing, you should pay attention to these things:
- Clock in 60 minutes, this way is to know what percentage you could do compared to the real exam.  In the beginning, just keep yourself comfortable although you do the test for more than 60', try to finish it carefully because this is the period to build skill, basis and ability of concentration. After that, you should try to do the test in 1 hour without hesitating or worrying.
- Don't write answers into the book, write them into the Answer Sheet. Getting used to transferring answers into Answer Sheet.  It is advised for you to print the model IELTS Answer Sheet .
- After doing the test, check the answers, avoid looking at the explanation, just check whether it is true or false , then continue doing the test again. Remember to read and do it carefully  in this 2nd time.
- It's necessary for you to understand why you make the wrong answers, then take note your mistakes to learn from them. Remember that learning from your mistakes is extremely important.
- You had better learn vocabularies relating to questions and answers in reading exercises. You don't need to learn all of them, but pay attention to those influencing your choosing answers.
  1. When you take the real IELTS test, you should :
- Keep calm
- Make sure each question you have done is completely right because there is no more time to check it again after you finish the test .
- When writing answers, make sure you don’t write answers by mistakes or make spelling mistakes.
-Part 2 is often considered as the most difficult task, so doing part 1 and 3 first will be better.
  1. Listening
  2. 1. Materials: like mentioned in Reading part above
  3. How to practise:
- Transcribe: listening and writing out are very effective to improve listening skill and spelling (common error in listening). Source to practice: from Podcasts of British Council. You just have to listen and write out what you have listened for 5 minutes. every day.
- Listen carefully: practicing listening numbers, addresses and names. If you have time, try to do all exercises in this book.
- I don't think movies or Youtube plays an important role in boosting listening points if you don't have much time.
- It's important to identify the reason why you cannot listen to English well. Maybe the lack of vocabulary or mispronouncing make you misunderstand the tapes. To improve this problem, you should learn vocabulary and try to pronounce correctly.
  1. When you take the real IELTS Test:
- Headphone quality is very good.
- Always pay attention to keywords
III. Writing
  1. Materials: The only book you need is IELTS Writing( by Mat Clark). It consists of some task 1 exercises and 114 task 2 exercises.
  2. How to practice:
- Read essays in the book and implement following steps( this way is suitable for those who don’t have much time):
+ Reading questions, underline keywords
+ Reading essays, explain meaning of some words
+ Underlining phrases
+ It is important to find out paraphrases of keywords in question of essay. This step helps widen your vocabularies with words having the same meaning (synonyms).
+ Making a list of formal words replacing for informal words used regularly+ From essays, summarizing outline of the article, learning important phrases and enhancing brainstorming ability.
+ Basing on what you have done above, writing an complete essay.
3.When you take the real IELTS test:
- Don't go to WC in writing test because you won’t have enough time.
- Doing task 1 first, then task 2.
In my opinion, to have a high point with task 2, you need to remember these tips:
+ Paraphrasing keywords in the topic first.
+ Making an outline first
+ Your writing should include words in the book of Mat Clark and complex structures...
+ Spending 3-4 minutes rereading your writing.
+Paying attention to your spelling
  1. Speaking
This is my weakest skill.
  1. Materials:
Your speaking will be better and better if you approach speaking materials at the suitable level. I recommend some important books as follow:
-  IELTS Speaking (by Mark Allen): This is the most important book.
- 15 days practice for IELTS. Speaking
  1. How to practice:
- Picking any book, reading question, answering it, then recording what you have spoken.   After that, listen to the record and check whether there are any mistakes to learn from experience.
- You just need to answer slowly when practicing, but avoid basic mistakes.
- It can be difficult in the first times, but then you will have a good speaking background.
  1. When you take the real IELTS Test,
- Being confident to speak in front of examiner.
- Using some academic vocabularies( from writing part) and idioms, along with fluent ideas. Remember to speak clearly and keep calm.
- Don’t hesitate when speaking.

Writer: Huy Phu Ta - IELTS 8.0

Translated by Thuong Ngoc

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