New English Words/Phrases No.3---Food English

No.New wordsMeanings
1well doneCookingSteak2refers to meat cooked until it is dry, with no meat juices oozing from the meat
2medium wellrefers to meat cooked until the meat is pinkish in color
3rareRefers to meat cooked very lightly, with the insides  of the piece of meat still almost raw
4scrambledscrambled-eggsrefers to eggs fried with the yolk and white mixed up
5over easytải xuống (2)refers to eggs fried on two sides, with the yolk unbroken
runnyegg logo

refers  to lightly cooked eggs, cooked on one side and with the yolk unbroken
7poachedPoachEgg2refers to eggs or fish lightly cooked in a broth or soup
8grilledgrilled-shrimpsmeat or fish cooked over an open fire
9sautéedsauteed-carrots-ck-1932668-la dish which is lightly fried in a fry pan

a sauce in which meats are seasoned then grilled or fried, usually made of tomatoes, chilies, spices; in Hawaii, the sauce can be made of shoyu, rice wine, sugar and it is called teriyaki sauce; sometimes it is also called barbecue sauce

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