Happy Vietnamese Teachers’ Day 20-11 to ESL teachers!

On the occasion to celebrate Vietnamese Teachers’ Day on November 20th, 2014, ELT iCenter would like to give the best wishes to all teachers of English as a second language and to those who are working at the field of English Language Teaching (ELT).10814237_642059822569156_987660859_nMany years recently, Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) in Vietnam has made such significant efforts to improve and enhance the quality of teaching and learning English as a Second Language (ESL). And the most prominent event may be the National Language Project 2020 with the obligation of promoting English language proficiency for both ESL teachers and learners.
It can be seen that ESL teachers are the keys for all reforms to reach the target of making ESL learners confident of their capacity of English language. Currently, the more proficient their English is, the more successful career they will able to get in the future in the context of global association. It is obvious that a graduate student with fluent English skills will get access to many jobs with high salary and promotion more easily than one with poor English skills. Hence, the role of ESL teachers over the world generally and ESL teachers in Vietnam is very important. All of them are creating many precious values that are necessary for their students’ future. Despite difficult situations of facility and pressure at work, they have all tried to get over their objectives and subjective limitations to complete well their job and get their ESL learners inspired from their English lessons.
With the higher demands of global workforce in English language competence of graduate students, ESL teachers globally and in Vietnam particularly may have to cope with many challenges and obstacles to complete their missions as eternal bridges to connect students and English language. ESL teachers may work under a lot of pressure to continually innovate their jobs to create the most effective teaching methods as well as promoting activities in teaching English for ESL students.
This will be such a very long-lasting journey in their occupation and ELT iCenter would like to give them best wishes for their personal life and the biggest encouragement for their jobs as ESL teachers!
Wish all ESL teachers in Vietnam a happy Vietnamese Teachers’ Day with love and respect from your beloved students!
Wish you a successful ELT career to raise your students’ dream of mastering and conquering English!10806904_642034125905059_306954244_n

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